Friday, January 7, 2011

Routinized yo

I've been getting into the swing of things these past few days in San Jose. Currently, I'm trying to switch out of my intermediate class because I have already learned EVERYTHING. Once I do that, I could potentially have the opportunity to only have one class the last 3 or 4 weeks here, which would give me the opportunity to travel way more around Costa Rica. Right now I have class from 8 am - 12 pm, then an elective (which is a poli sci class) called human rights in Latin America. My teacher is an English woman.

Last night everyone in our group went to a Merengue y Salsa class at Veritas. It was really really fun. I think it was the point I realized I was really having fun in Costa Rica. Our group is a little bit segregated between those of us who are in homestays, and the others who are in the dorms. Jen (my roommate) and I frequently stop by and force visits on the people who are in the dorms. We found two other people in our program who also have the last few weeks off and they are probably going to travel with us. A girl from the dorms also just moved in to our homestay so we have three American students.

As far as getting around in Costa Rica, you have to be ever-vigilant about concealing your belongings. Luckily, our house is a 5 minute walk from Veritas so we never have to bring purses. Two different girls in our group have been robbed at gun point (on separate occasions) so far in their stay here. The main reason it happened was because they were both walking at night. Jen and I learned this after we walked back from our Dance class at 10 pm. We didn't have purses though. I'm really glad I have roommates because we're not supposed to get in taxis or walk anywhere by ourselves, so having the reassurance of a buddy is nice. I want to take more pictures, but I'm also never supposed to have a camera out. Tough life.

Our host mom is amazing. Julie and Dad met her over Skype yesterday, and probably got a taste of how sweet she is. She always refers to us as "mi amor" and always says (in spanish) "if you need anything, just ask, y nada mas" and then repeats nada mas, nada mas several times so you understand. She's concerned because she says she's seen many students move out of homestays or not enjoy their experience because their uncomfortable. Whenever I come home she shows me and improvements she's made on my room to make it more comfortable.

This weekend we're going to Dominical. It's supposed to be a beautiful white sand beach with really hot weather (jealous?!). We're going to go whale and dolphin watching with our group. I've heard from a few people it's one of the most beautiful beaches in Costa Rica.

One other detail about my stay here: I have met so many people from Wisconsin. I know more about Wisconsin than I have ever wanted too. I'm friends with two blonde girls from Wisconsin, one of my roommates is from Wisconsin, my neighbors from Wisconsin, and several of the people in my classes are as well.

Last night we went to a club and it was really uncomfortable. I realized how much a group of girls sticks out. Our host brother went with us and it was his first time going out in Costa Rica (he's a math major at Yale, just to remind you). Anyway, a guy came over and tried to start a fight with him when we were all sitting down with him. There were mainly Tico men at the club, and every American girl received a lot of unwanted attention. At a certain point, the waiters and bouncers at the club started guarding our table by standing around it. Then, whenever a group of American girls moved around in the club, the waiters and bouncers followed us and stood around us. I also got the chance to perfect my merengue and salsa with a 45 year old Tico who was a dance teacher. I've decided that next time I go to the clubs I might dress up as a polygamy wife or wear a turtleneck just to lessen the unwanted attention.

Also, I fought my way into advanced Spanish by scoring 100% on a written placement test. The guy in charge of registering students really did not want me to move up. So today, I start my first day of advanced class which is supposed to be really difficult.

One last thought: our host mom is really convinced Matt is the most guapisimo chico ever, and says she can tell by his eyes that he's a good person. She said that if he comes to Costa Rica, he can stay at our house and she will feed him for free. She is soooo nice.

Okay everyone, I love you guys!!!

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